Once Upon A Baby Dinner Time. Blogtober 23rd

Once upon a time there lived a very cheeky baby.

A very, very cheeky baby.

Baby eating solids

Now, the very cheeky baby was, as we already know, very, very cheeky. But he was also cute.

Very, very cute.

Baby eating

The very cheeky baby’s favorite thing in the whole entire kingdom was food. He loved the stuff. Really.

He loved it. A lot.

Baby Eating

He loved it so much that he wanted to share it with all the world! He wanted to share it with Mummy. And Daddy. And Nanny. And Grand-dad. And Peppa Pig.

Baby eating solids

BUT. There was one special person that the very cheeky baby loved to share his food with, above all others in the kingdom.

Why, it was Mister Carpet, of course! The luckiest carpet in all the land.

Oh, Mister Carpet. How lucky you are.

Baby eatingBlogtober

13 thoughts on “Once Upon A Baby Dinner Time. Blogtober 23rd

  1. Pingback: The Very Happy Sippy Cup. Blogtober 29th. | All The Sunny Mummy Days

  2. Pingback: The Things I Loved Today. Blogtober 24th. | All The Sunny Mummy Days

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