The Final Smile. Blogtober 31st.

In Australia, today is Halloween.

For those who are unfamiliar with Australian traditions, Halloween, unfortunately, is celebrated by very few people.

I cannot think why.

Halloween is a little piece of childhood wonder, wrapped up in a pumpkin.

It is a chance to see the eyes of a child light up at the sight of a yummy treat or a well rehearsed trick.

It is a chance to relax. To let go of our uptight lives for one night and let all of our cares simply fly off into the stars.

That is why I wish us Australians celebrated Halloween with more gusto. And that is why the magic of Halloween made me smile multiple times today.

So please, sit back, relax, and let me take you on the journey that lead to my very last smile.

Chapter One.

Baby C and I check the letters together, every single day. It’s our thing. Baby C loves to bite chunks out of the envelopes and I love to fish the soggy paper out of his mouth. Oh, no, wait…

Anyhow, today, in the mail, we found a note that went along the lines of this:

Untitled (7)

I looked at the piece of paper. And then I looked at it a bit longer.

What do I do?

I had no treats. And I certainly had no tricks.

What do I do? I could see this precious little person in my minds eye. His beautiful little puppy dog eyes looking up at his Daddy asking why there were no pumpkins at this house.

I couldn’t have that.

Here was my chance to share one final smile.

And what a smile it would be.

Chapter Two.

I dumped the pile of candy on the counter.

‘Preparing for tonight, are you?’ The Chinese shop keeper winked at me.

‘Yes,’ I said, sheepishly. ‘I’d hate for people to turn up and I had nothing for them. I’ve just realised, you must be very busy today. A lolly shop!’

The man packed the lollies into a paper bag and slowly nodded.

‘Well, actually, like you, we have to prepare. People will come in here to trick or treat, also. We must have enough to give.’

‘For free?’ I said, shaking my head, in awe.

Smile, Miss Cookas.


Chapter Three.

House after house looked exactly as it had yesterday.

Except for this one.

photo (27)photo (26)

Chapter Four.

I got home and I made these.

Untitled (6) Untitled (9)

Chapter Five.

I put it all  together.

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Chapter Six.

I stood back and waited for the smiles to come.


Chapter Seven.

Mister C had gone to get our dinner and returned to me typing away, preparing this post: my final smile.

He purposefully stopped right in front of me and said this.

‘You’ll be happy.’

I looked up at him as if to question why.

‘Half the chocolates were gone. And I saw a little boy and his Dad walking along, hand in hand. The little boy was carrying a little pumpkin basket. Oh yeah, and he looked pretty happy.’

And that was my final smile for the month.

My final, beautiful heart smile.

Dear Readers,

I cannot thank you enough for reading along with my smiles each day.

Some have been heart smiles.

Some have been silly smiles.

Some have been obvious smiles. Others, less so.

But whatever the case, every day this month has been an amazing one. Not only have I found my smile in places that I never even dared to look, but I have also found one more thing.


So whether you have been smiling along with me since the very begining, or whether you have caught me on my very last smile, I say to you this.

Thank you for giving me a reason to look for the smile in life.

Oh, and don’t worry. I’ll have plenty more smiles to share in the future.

Just maybe not every day.

xx Miss Cookas


10 thoughts on “The Final Smile. Blogtober 31st.

  1. I think what you did for Halloween is wonderful. 🙂 and that was an awesome idea to leave a note saying baby sleeping, and leaving lollies out for the children.:) I bet you can’t wait to take your little boy trick and treating. I grew up in a place that didn’t celebrate Halloween . and I have had so much fun preparing and making decorations for Halloween this year. , to see the smiles on the children and adults faces when they came to our house was priceless 🙂 No-one else had decorated the front of their houses like we did and people were taking photos of their dressed up children with our decorations 🙂 It gave me so much joy seeing the smiles on their faces 🙂 and the cute costumes the kids dressed in just made me smile so much. It was so much fun.:) I am glad I could bring smiles to their faces.

    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing a whole month of smiles with us Miss Cookas. I looked forward to them everyday,:) Well done!! That is an awesome accomplishment.A smile a day for a whole month, you found smiles where not many others would and by doing that and sharing your smiles you have helped me also to look for smiles in everyday things. Thank you 🙂 Thank you for sharing all those smiles with us.:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww. Teemater, that is so so sweet!! I’ll bet you love dressing your house. What fun!!! I’ve always wanted to do that. And thank you so much for reading along. It has been absolutely lovely seeing your smiley faces along the way 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Way to go! What an awesome accomplishment… a blog post every day for a month. love it. I have really enjoyed opening my email up every day to see your beautiful smiles 🙂 Happy Halloween!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that means so much Brigid! You know it’s so funny, when I started I thought it was going to be easy enough. Then about three days in, I fully realised the extent of my madness. I can tell you though, it has been such a wonderful positive experience. Especially this part- finding a common smile with new friends. 😀 xx


  3. I have loved this sharing of smiles every day – haven’t quite caught all of your posts but those I have seen never failed to make me smile. Thank you for sharing your smiles each day this month 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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