The Unexpected Surprise

It’s all been very dramatic.

Should I, or shouldn’t I?

Will I or won’t?

So many questions.

So many more grey hairs.


This is not me.

Here’s the thing, though.

I miss you guys.

I miss all the Sunny Mummy days we shared.

So I’ve decided something.

And it’s big.

So big that my brain hurt from all the wondering…

Should I tell the Sunny Mummy gang about my new blog?


As you all know, I’ve been writing a novel and, as much as I had longed to return to this space, writing about my life as a Mum just didn’t seem to fit, anymore.

But a new blog…

A new blog could complement my novel work.

A new blog could help my writerly voice grow and change for the better.


So I leapt into the deep of it.

And for the first time ever in my online life…

I created a shiny, new blog with my name on it.

Not Miss Cookas’ name.



I know, right.




This is not me either.

What we had here, in this place, was so sweet.

So sweet, in fact, that I couldn’t shake the feeling I was cheating on you guys every time I posted on my new blog.

I just can’t cheat on you guys, anymore!

If and when this novel of mine comes to fruition, it’s you I want to tell first. Through this blog, you’ve helped me unleash my creativity; there’s no denying the enormity of that.

And so, I’ve decided to let you in, shed my internet security blanket, extend my hand.

Introduce you to my new home. Introduce you to me.


So now it’s your turn to think.

Putting a face to the name might not be the right thing for you.

Maybe our Sunny Mummy Days have grown a place in your heart because of Miss Cookas.

Because of her beautiful babies. Because of her sweet and wonderful Mister C.

The new blog will have the same heart as this one…

But it will never be quite the same.

Let’s face it. How could anything compete with the baby in the herb garden?


If you choose not to come along for the ride, if you choose to stay in this place, the one we’ve woven so beautifully together…

I’ll understand. And I’ll smile because Miss Cookas lives here, and this world of hers is all the lovely things.

But now, I fling my arms wide open to a bright new horizon.

I give you my face, my name, my words…my heart.

Come in, if you dare.

What a pleasure it will be to meet you in my new place.


Ps: The new blog has my real name in the web address, so I’ve provided a link here. I’d hate to spoil the magic for those of you who choose always to know me as Miss Cookas. xx












It’s all about the moments. Blogtober 31st

For me, no moment is too small.

I see it happen.

I catch it.

I let it take me away.

At first, it might look like a simple moment.


But then I look closer.

Then…I see so much more.

No moment is too small.

Please believe that.

You can make every moment count.


I truly hope that you do.

Because that’s life, isn’t it?

A series of moments.

An intricate web, woven sometimes with grace;

Sometimes with friction.

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about some of my moments.

It’s been wonderful sharing them with you all.

Thank you so, so much for joining me on the ride.

xx Miss Cookas

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The Plumber. Blogtober 30th.

It’s lunch time and there’s a stranger on the porch. He’s wearing overalls. He’s got scruffy hair with a beard to match. Who the hell is he?

Light bulb moment :The plumber!

Mister C had specifically sent me the details of his arrival.

And I had totally forgotten he was coming.

There was no time to check if the house was tidy. He was there. He saw me see that he was there. There was no turning back. He was coming in.

‘Hi! Come in!’ I said, probably too enthusiastically.’You are the plumber?’

‘Umm…yes,’ he confirmed with a crooked smile.

Off to an excellent start then.

I walked him toward the taps we were having issues with.

‘Hello! Hello!’ chirped the toddler, as he followed along behind. The plumber, the burliest of men, smiled. A heart smile. One that only the littlest humans can evoke.

‘Hi mate,’ he boomed. ‘What’s your name?’

From then on, it was a matter of Mummy fending off the toddler’s curious strikes at the plumbers tool kit. A wrench? This looks alright. A hammer? An excellent invention indeed. He was truly the most adorable wannabe apprentice plumber.

I told the plumber. ‘He’s inspired. He might become a plumber, too!’

To that, the plumber looked at me with serious eyes.

‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘You tell him to stay in school. He does not want to be a plumber.’

I laughed it off but really I felt so sorry for the man. It was the regret in his eyes. A good man, maybe a little tired of it all. A little bit sick of all the poop. Literally.

I hope he finds another gorgeous toddler to brighten his day tomorrow.

Maybe then the poop will seem a little less…poopy.


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