Small Moments

An absolutely delightful post over on when I had a Sea Horse. Please, read it, enjoy it, then go give your bubby a big snuggle. I know I will. xx

When I Had a Seahorse

I don’t usually cuddle my little boy to sleep. Usually I stay by his cot as he chats and fusses and demands drinks of water and songs about reindeer on the bus and battles sleep for a long, long time. But tonight I found myself holding him as he fell asleep, and I have to say that it was all things lovely.

“Listen to the rain, Bubba!” I said as I carried him into his room. I held him in the darkness, listening to the rain and breathing him in. “I love cuddles,” I told him, and in response he wrapped his little arms tightly around my neck. And I realised that for once I didn’t want to put him in his cot. I thought about how happy and safe he must be feeling and what a privilege it was to be the one making him feel that way. I…

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7 thoughts on “Small Moments

    • I’m glad! 😀 And you should know, I do not take re blogging lightly, so your post is THAT special. Oh, sure, I have accidently pressed the re blog button before (lol! It was a post entitled ‘my first abortion’ or something. Oops) but this is the first time I have shared my space deliberately. So, go you! Keep popping by to check out your ‘likes’! 😀 Can’t wait to read some more of your work 😀 xx


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